And here are the boys. Elvis dropped one of his chew sticks out of the cage, either accidentally or deliberately, we can't tell, and Pink is munching on it. Both of these guys were in need of adoption, so we took each in without trying to see if they liked each other first. While I wouldn't change either adoption, it would be nice if they liked each other better and could occupy the same enclosure. Since the Great Flood of '08 though, since they're now in separate enclosures in the same room, they see (and smell) each other all the time, and things may be improving. They take turns for supervised out-of-the-cage time, but they seem irresistably drawn to each other. They used to pee in each other's faces, and then pull each other's hair hard. Now there's no peeing, and they are pulling gently on each other's faces, and the pull-ee seems to welcome it. A thaw?
Have a good week, all: may your enemies become friends and pull gently at your hair and not pee in your face at all.
Edited to add: it's relatively common for male bunnies to spray, even after they've been neutered. It's territorial and yes, it's related to testosterone. Compared to cat pee, bunny pee is a walk in the park; it doesn't have a lingering stench--it pretty much fades. Elvis is the more aggressive and the bigger sprayer; poor Pink used to get a faceload fairly regularly. Each evening I take a warm wet washcloth and wipe Pink's face, which he seems to enjoy. And I'll also note that in my native Massachusetts, we might refer to them as "wicked pissahs."
What's wrong with animals? Peeing in each other's faces? That must be like dogs humping each other's heads. Thankfully, we have spoken communicate and can have our pissing contests metaphorically. :)
Well I am glad the boys have quit p**ing on each other at least! Perhaps in time they will become the best of friends.
Your stitching is coming along nicely.
Pee on the face, that's a new one. I've had Lando pee on Brussels' sprouts... but that's just because he doesn't care for them.
Now, I have NEVER heard of any animal peeing in another's face before! :O It would be hillarious if it wasn't so completely incomprehensible!
Is that how they mark their territory or do they just try to 'drown' each other in testosterone? ;)
Gee, I hope all my enemies do become friends. And I definitely agree with you on the grocery store thing!
Love that picture atop your blog. Looks like Spain.
I think that closeness between Pink and Elvis is pretty promising. Probably there is being established a Peei ... er ..Pecking order!
We pee on whatever we really, really like. Especially 2-footers!
I really like your lemon tree sampler~~love the colors :)
Got a good bellylaugh at your sentiment regarding friends not peeing in our faces at all. Not even a little bit. LOL!
My bunny Simon always sprayed - which was why I insisted Max get a girl bunny. LOL.
"may your enemies become friends and pull gently at your hair and not pee in your face at all."
Now that is a philosophy to live by! Thanks for the laugh!
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