More: all of the wonderful stitched pieces of my favorite expressionless people! And more that I couldn't capture here: "My Home Town," for one, which chart I didn't own (until today). You really should come by and see them--and there's another reason to come. The Woodlawn Plantation 2010 Needlework Exhibition is going on through the 31st of March. Woodlawn is across the Street from In Stitches, and In Stitches will be open all the Sundays in March! I'm definitely making the time to go to the exibition this year.

There are lots of framed models in this shop, but wait! What's this?

Oh, no. "Falling in love again I never wanted to/What am I to do I can't help it...." Meet "Catharine McNeal 1843," a new release from Samplers Revisited.
It's a Scottish Reproduction; there are 20 thistles around the border, and each one is different. The colors are very unusual. [Edited to add: although the cover photo is very blue, and the actual framed sampler is very blue also, it's interesting that my floss toss (the color of which is true on this post) is more of a blue-green/mint/lots of greens and some navy. Plus the thistle purples. I say this in case you're wanting a very blue sampler, because I don't think it will be quite as blue as it looks in the model photos. The stitched model was quite high above my head--every square inch of the walls in that shop is covered with gorgeous samplers--so I didn't inspect it up close.]
What was I to do but kit it up on the spot? It's charted for 36 ct Picture This Plus in Heritage using NPI or DMC. Here's a photo of 40 ct PTP Heritage underneath 40 ct Lakeside in Magnolia. I love the Magnolia--it is a yellowy-slightly-peachy cream, but I went for the PTP in the end. Interestingly, if you are stitching Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow, many of the blue/green and green shades are the same.
See? Not the best light--I took the photo in in the late afternoon as I was losing the light.
I picked up a couple of other charts as well. This is With Thy Needle & Thread's "CS41 Mary's Best Handework." It's charted for 30 ct WDW linen using DMC. Don't you love the red and the sheep?
You may have seen this. It's Primitive Tradition's "Love to One, Friendship to Many, Good Will to All." It's stitched on 40 ct Misty Rain by Lakeside, using CC and GAST fibers (or DMC). Lots of fill-in here, but such a wonderful design.
Here's some stitching I've done since Sunday on "Liz Savilles."
Pink: "It seems to me that you spend a lot of time in needlework shops when you could be home petting your bunnies!"
See you Sunday!
Oh my!~~ What a beautiful sight to see...That trunk show looks beautiful and I LOVE the one you bought...Nice fabric choice!~ Faye
Wow! So lucky to have seen all that! I can only imagine how beautiful they were to see up close!
What absolute eye candy. Seeing all those CHS pieces makes me kick myself in the butt for not finishing not a one of them!! But there is still time, right? No deadline - just stitch them! And since I'm such a fan of the color blue, I'm just going to have to get Catharine McNeal 1843 - not only because of the colors, but that's my daughter's name so what's not to have?? I can justify anything! LOL Love Mary's Best and the Love to One piece too. Now you've really got my head spinning!!
Oh you rascal, Glenna! I saw that Catherine piece at one of the ONS site and said to self "Self, you didn't see that. No one saw that so you can just keep walking!" ahem. Thanks Glenna, now I have to get it! Aren't we lucky there is no end to the treasures out there!
Thanks for all the other eye candy too!
I love that Scottish Reproduction. Ok, now I have to, HAVE TO, visit In Stitches next time I am in the DC area. Thanks for sharing!
Wow, that trunk show is amazing! How great to see all those pieces in person! Love the Catherine McNeal piece...it's nice to see the unusual colors. I'll be watching your progress on that one. Elizabeth is looking great so far as well.
Oh, how I wish I could come see that fabulous trunk show!!!!! Love your purchase, too.
This must have been amazing to see in person! Thank you for sharing it. I love the Scottish repro you bought, especially the border. Mary's Best Handworke is already on my wish list - isn't it pretty!
Hi Pink!
I already have the Primitive Traditions one ready to go...that one along with her Dance Under the Light of the Moon to go with it ;)
BAD...we are totally bad :) But it feels so good, doesn't it? LOL!
That picture of Pink cracks me up -- she really looks rather indignant! lol! Now did you have to go and show me that Samplers Revisited piece? Now I've fallen in love too!!!! I didn't need that! Now I have to go searching for this one. Sigh. Hopefully I still have a piece of Heritage lying around. lol! Those colors! (I used to be a blue/green person before red took over.) And I do love those other pieces too -- trying to resist! Lucky you to see Autumn in the Hollow in person! I saw Christmas when the trunk show was at our LNS.
Now pet Pink to make her less sulky. lol!
I'm crazy in love with Friendship to Many too. I'm kinda surprised it's not getting more love out there in blogland.
I would have lost my mind (and my next mortgage payement) if I were in the same place with some many CHS models. :)
I haven't seen the Samplers Revisited Scottish sampler. Thanks for posting a snap, I think.
In Stitches looks like a fantastic LNS... maybe someday I'll get to visit the shop in person.
Pink does look a bit annoyed... I hope you've given him some lovin'.
Oh wow... I saw the flyer for the Needlework Show at my LNS last weekend and was definitely planning a trip... now that I know In Stitches is right across the street?? Yeh, that trip is now MANDATORY!!
Great pics! Love all the CHS... and I have been eyeballing that Primitive Traditions chart wondering if I have the chutzpah to tackle all that fill in... it is beautiful!!
Great pic of Pink... the look on her face totally goes along with the "quote", lol!!!
InStitches called me today about some things they have set aside for me. My stitching buddy March and I are planning our trip to Woodlawn. It really is a great needlework show.
So much enabling going on! But that is one of the reasons I mosey over to your blog. Your foto of Catharine McNeal 1843 looks much nicer than what I have seen online. Huuummm, I may have to add that to my ever-growing list. My resistance is fading.
Beautiful work you are doing. Love Elizabeth Savilles, and the CHS designs and With Thy Needle & Thread designs. Brenda has a new one out that has a bunny on the back of a rooster. Too cute. Can't wait for her to come back from her grandson's so I can get it from her.
Instead of 'Picture-Heavy,' you should have typed 'Extreme enabling.' I have some of those charts, but I have to get the rest. What a gorgeous sampler wall.
You are so bad, I have to have that Scottish reproduction chart now.. Oh the colors are gorgeous. I love all your pics and now I have to hunt some of those charts up for me. Just wonderful.
Hello to the bunnies. Marjo
Looks like a lot of lovely needlework on the walls and in production.
Pink doesn't seem to understand though...
I live in Fairfax and I haven't ever been to In Stitches! It is now on my list of things to do. Thanks for the pictures; you do know you are dangerously skirting enabler territory? Pink does look annoyed at you. I hope your appointment went well.
Lucky you for seeing a CHS trunk show!! You must have been in heaven!! I know I would have been. Seeing that picture of AaHRH really makes me want to get the pattern now. :) I love your new start - that sampler is beautiful! Love the NPI on the Heritage. It's so pretty!! Can't wait to see more. :)
There are some very lovely designs, but I think PInk is right......
I was able to see one of Kathy's trunk shows a few years ago and pictures just can't convey how amazing it is to see them all in one go. Total eye candy! Love the new stash, and your WIPs look great!
Wow on the trunk show! So amazing to see so many pieces in person, huh? And you found some super lovely things to bring home. I love love love that red one! Liz is looking fantastic. Must start!
Oh My Goodness, thanks for the eye candy! I have most of those charts in the stash as well, including the new Autumn at HRH. (Just ordered and it's on it's way!)
I love the other little sampler that you bought too! The red is darling.
Take Care!
D. Moll THINKS Pink is right? Just THINKS? Pink is so TOTALLY right.
You stitchers buy buy buy way faster than you can possibly stitch stitch stitch!
PS - there NEVER would be room for all that stuff in Racer's condo. (but - a teeny weeny stitching of Racer would go nicely!!!)
Oh my goodness, gorgoeus pictures, thanks for sharing. I am the teeniest bit jealous, I've never been lucky enough to see the CHS trunk show.
You are a bad influence, I just sent a not to my LNS to order the With Thy Needle and Thread piece and Catharine McNeal. They are both must haves.
Oh Glenna, thank you so much for those pictures. What a wonderful show. Each one is as gorgeous as the next. I just love that Catherine MCneal piece, oh wow its beautiful how could you resist. I especially love that Mary's Best Handwork. I have to get it. I love the red and the sheep, but I really love that PINK of yours, what a cutie, please give him some hugs from me. XOXOX
O, I AM jealous. That thistle-y sampler is just absolutely gorgeous and I don't blame you for buying the kit. Oh my.
But how decpetive those pictures are. When I see the Hawk Run Hollows hanging on the wall like that, it looks like something I could easily stitch and finish. We all know that that's not true, but still...
Wonderful progress on your samplers (both of them)!
Hi Gleena,
Thanks for visiting my blog and showing an interest in my designs. It is very exciting to see them stitched by others and how they are finished in different ways. I would love to post any of them on my blog when you are finished. Your stitching is beautiful and I love you bunny friends.
I'm still drooling over what I saw in your post. The CHS trunk show must be terrific to look at. My CC would be sending out flames if I had the chance to go to that particular shop.
I can see why you couldn't resist Catharine McNeal. Beautiful! And all the other wonderful designs. I'd be poor when getting out of there, lol.
Beautiful samlers... and the rabbit is so nice!
What a feast of Samplers! I feel almost greedy wanting to see more and more. Now I can't wait to get my finished HoHRH framed and hanging.
I'm so happy to see all those samplers and what you liked! Your choices are the best. Thanks for sharing everything. Hugs
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