Here's my progression for the last couple of days on "Dickens' Mittens" by The Cricket Collection, using neither the called for linen or threads. I'm using 32 ct Lakeside Linen in Pear, along with GAST, WDW and Crescent Colors. I've tried to stick fairly close to the colors in the photo without being a slave to them. Anyway, here's Friday night:
Today (this is the closest to the real-life color):
I'm off for three more days, and it's cold and gray, so I'll be staying in a lot. I wish I knew how bad traffic is likely to be in the Alexandria area tomorrow, because I'd like to squeeze in a visit to the LNS for some Paternayan yarns to do a needlepoint pillow. I have a book by Donna Kooler in my library with the best rabbit design... I found the book while I was looking for Rosewood Manor's Garden sampler. Darned if I can find it--I've been looking for it for a couple of weeks now. Doesn't that drive you nuts? I took it as a sign to straighten up my stuff, but still no chart!
My first course is getting off to a slow start, so I have at least another week or two to fiddle with this stuff.
Here we have the roar of the lionhead. My, what sharp teeth you have, Elvis!
I still need to get that Dicken's Mittens pattern, lol! You've made some wonderful progress, and your color choices are beautiful!
That's quite a roar...and those are some real chompers!!!
How cool to finally see the finished product, and good luck on finding more of them to do.
That's some bunny yawn! I wish I was that quick with the camera.
The lady with the pink dress looks great with dark hair and the gentleman looks fine with hair and a hat! I'm not sure how bad traffic will be getting to Alexandria tomorrow...i went to a concert in Georgetown last night and found out that HOV restrictions are on already inbound on I66 and I95.
What a might Lion(head) Roar, Elvis!!!
Your work there .. keep it hidden during the inauguration what with all the big wigs there ..
Remember what happened many years ago to Brewer and Shipley because of their song .." Sitting down town in the railway station, one toke over the line ... tra la la ... ???"
Congrats on the finish!! I love that design. I'm having the same problem with Sheepish Designs--discovered how great they are AFTER they retired. I seem to do that a lot, like with Goode Huswife, too.
Your CC piece looks great, too. Wonderful start!
Those are some serious bunny chompers! Gives new meaning to the term 'bunny teeth', huh? LOL
Very nice finish. You have my sympathy for losing out on EBay. I have been looking for "Two Fine Ewes" by The City Stitcher FOREVER. I finally saw it on EBay and lost it by 50 cents. 50 Cents...because I wasn't paying attention!
Gone Fishing looks wonderful! Congratulations on the finish! And you have made excellent progress on Dicken's Mittens. I love that design.
What an impressive shot of bunny teeth!!
Love your current stitching! :D
Both projects look fantastic! I want to get Dickens Mittens and finish it in time for next Christmas. That is such a cute design. Good luck on finding more Sheepish Designs. 123 Stitch has a few on their site, but I don't know if they are the ones you are looking for.
Gosh it looks great, was Elvis celebrating the finish with his roar? that is quite a picture......
Love the Dickens! Do we know which samplers you are looking for? There is probably a reader or two who'd be happy to trade, more reliable than ebay!
Glenna, please drop me an email about Meet me at the Field. My email address is in my profile.
Gone Fishing looks great! Congratuations on getting it finished! I hope you get the other charts you're looking for!
Love how your Dickens looks on the Pear fabric. You've really made good progress on it too!
Congrats on the beautiful finish! I love your idea of doing several companion pieces to hang together. Great progress on the Dickens piece too - pretty colors.
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