September 27, 2013

Pumpkins for Cathey

Pink wants to share his pumpkin with Cathey. For Cathey's story, go here. Thank you, Daffycat, for organizing Cathey's Blogiversary.
Cathey, I realized when going through my stash that I didn't have a single stitched pumpkin. Not one. Thanks to you, I will be starting one this weekend. Best wishes, Glenna and the bunnies.


RG said...

Not anything to say after all that ... just stitch that pumkin!!!

Brigitte said...

So sweet.

Cath said...

Looking forward to seeing your stitched pumpkin x

Annette-California said...

Precious! love Annette

Katie said...

My name is Katie and Cathey has been my friend for years. I do not have the passwords to her account to post an update so I will direct you to my blog as I have a number of people to attempt to contact through her blog (Pumpkin Patch and Co)



Karla G said...

Thanks great blogg

Marcus Sheppard said...

I am excited about stitching pumpkins after reading your blog.