Dazzling! (The sampler purists in the audience are shaking their heads in sorrow at my taste in projects here. That's ok.) Stitched on 34 count Legacy, one DMC (plus shiny strand) over two.
Here we have a terrible picture of a more traditional sampler. The colors are way off; IRL they're much, much nicer. This is "Yellow Birds Sampler" by The Sampler Company.

I'm stitching it using an on-the-fly conversion of GAST and WDW for the recommended DMC, one over two on 40 ct Lakeside in Bittersweet.
Here's an old friend--"Dorothy's Garden," by Hands to Work.
I've been working on this quite a while--I'd love to finish it this year. I worked on the grass this weekend--a bit tedious but pleasant enough, especially since this grass doesn't have frozen blobs of snow on it. I'm using AVAS on 32 count Lakeside, I think.
Elvis says that Pink's butt looks like a big snowball in this photo.
Happy week ahead!
Ice Boating ... what are many of the people holding and waveing???
Elvis ... a peek-a-boo!
Glenna that Stoney Creek piece is going to be STUNNING! Love your start already! They have some wonderful designs!
Hi, Glenna! I'm so glad you found my blog. Love your WIPs, especially Dorothy's garden. The ice boating is cute, and why not add some sparkles? Life is short!
Glenna, I love your choice of samplers, especially Dorothy's Garden. It's beautiful!
Lovely WIPs! You have a taste for BAPs I see!!!
I love Pink's new nickname, Snowball Butt is so charming!
Elvis always has the most interesting & knowing looks! He's so cute!
Oh yeah, and the stitching looks good too! ;-)
Oooh, I love them all!! Beautiful!! I love what Elvis says about Pink's butt. lol!
Nice projects! I think Ice Boating looks like a lot of fun to stitch - enjoy it! And, Dorothy's Garden is beautiful!
Your rabbits are so adorable - both ends!
Especially love the Ice Boating! Lovely work.
Ice Boating looks like it's going to be a long project. I so admire your patience!
I guess Elvis has had a trim recently? I can see his cute little eye!
lovely selection of samples, specially Dorothy's Garden.
Lovely photo of Elvis, he always has such a lovely expression
Love the WIPs, Glenna! I never pay attention to Stoney Creek, I guess because the LNS doesn't carry them, but I love their products.
Beautiful Samplers! I think your shiny threads and beads are going to look really good.
Glenna, what wonderful WIP. I look forward to seeing your work on the SC piece - love your idea of adding some glitz to it.
Happy New Year.
Well, I love all your pieces. Your Stoney Creek piece is wonderful. I think I have one of those languishing around here, although now I'm drawn to the similar ones on HAED. I must be nuts. I love Dorothy's Garden too. And your other WIPs look great too!
You've made fabulous choices. I've not seen the Stony Creek piece and I can't wait to see how you 'tart it up'. I agree with Elvis... Pink's butt does look like an enormous snowball. lol
What a wonderful sampling! I hadn't seen that Stony Creek one either...I really like it since it's not in their usual pastel palette. Love Dorothy's Garden too.
Happy Stitching!!!
Oooh Elvis. I think Pink's butt looks cute ;)
Great stitching and projects! Love that house on Dorothy's Garden...so much texture. Beautiful!
Lovely projects, and congrats on finishing the PS, it's gorgeous!
OMG, these projects are terrific. Gorgeous. That Stoney Creek piece is just wonderful, I have to go and see if it's still available. I have always loved their charts but have never before seen this. If I had I would have bought it, lol.
LOL, pinks but does look like a snowball ;-).
Great samplers, I especially love Dorothy. Hope you can get her finished this year.
I love that term - Sampling your samplers. It's perfect and what I do often! In fact I decided to sample And They Sinned today. :)
I'm not a purist, so no shaking of the head ruefully here! I LOVE that Ice Boating-that is so pretty! And you will finish Dot's Garden-you have to, lol! It is stunning!
Balloons - that must be it. Those thick necked people in the Ice Boating stitcher must be carrying balloons.
Either that or they are all bidding at an auction we can't see.
I follow your site for both the stitching (I'm a stitcher too)and rabbits. Yesterday, I lost one of my two house rabbits.
Any sage advice on getting through the grief. I only had him 3 short years.
Oh, girl...! I had so much fun reading your previous posts and Elvis and Pink's conversations! LOL.I want to follow you, but cant find the button for it. Mmmm... Any help here, plz? =)
Hugs from the sunny (actually, quite rainy today) lands of Brazil,
I love the Ice Boating one...why have I not seen this pattern before? You did a great job and I love the tarting aspect of it :)
Glenna you's a nut, but I loves ya!:) What a way to usher in the New Year, by sampling some samplers! Love all of them, really I do! Can't wait to see more of all of them!
Ahhh, Dorothy...maybe I should get mine out again too. Love your start on the Ice Boating - and I love me some sparklies too!
Great new start, I like that one!
Your bunnies are just darling!
I love Ice Boating! It's going to be gorgeous. Great project list!
I think the Ice Boating, by Stoney Creek piece will be beautiful! It sort of reminds me a little bit of the Charles Wysocki piece I stitched more than 20 years ago! The house in Dorothy's Garden would probably kill me but it is oh so pretty!
Pink looks like she's giving Elvis the evil eye!
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