Circle of friends.
I'm finishing up some school stuff, getting ready to go on spring break. I'm pretty tired, so I'm looking forward to a break from the homework. I found last night's tax reading pretty funny though. We're working on nontaxable exchanges for business. The text talks about the IRS classification system for like-kind exchanges. Under the system, the book informs us, a car can be
exchanged for an SUV, but not for a bus nontaxably. An airplane can be exchanged for a helicopter, but not for a tugboat. Hilarious. The text comments in its dry way that "the logic of the classification system is not always apparent."
I wish I were going to Mexico or Florida (although not sharing a hotel room with 20 other students, doing shots or hits and jumping off the balcony into the algae-filled pool below. Although isn't there always someone who misses the pool and lands on a car in the parking lot?) No, no. Spring break for me in Florida or Mexico would be courting a giant case of stitcher's numb-butt and possibly a sunburn while stitching on the balcony, then going out for a nice seafood meal and going to bed early. There's a travel niche there: "Spring break for Geezers." No, I don't want to get dragged through museums or view the 7 Deadly Wonders; I want to shop for stash in all the nicest cities!
Thank you for all your kind wishes for little Peaches' recovery. She's still coughing and sneezing, and we're on day 3 of the 14-day course of antibiotics. I'm holding my breath to see if either of the other guys gets it (although the doc says if they haven't by now, they probably won't), and I picked up some extra meds in case. She's the devil to round up--she doesn't like being picked up, and she scoots away--but once you get hold of her and swaddle her, she takes the medicine (cherry flavored, out of a mouth syringe) well.
She's sleeping lots, cuddled with her two buddies.
Poor Elvis. I love the way his hair sticks straight up from static electricity. Elvis: "What are YOU lookin' at?"
Have a happy week!
Enjoy your spring break! Hope Peach is feeling better -- and Elvis is enjoying being able to see! lol!
Have a good break, lots of stitching!!!! Hope Peaches starts showing more improvement soon, she's smart to get extra rest. Elvis is going to be a sight for a while.......
Poor Elvis indeed! What a haircut! LOLOLOL
I hope Peach is recovering and the rest of the bunnies dodge it.
Enjoy your break from school~~ Hope you get a lot of stitching done, and no more visit from the "circle of frogs"..... LOL
I hope peach will recover soon!!! And Elvis, he is just too cute!!!
Poor Peaches! Get well soon!
Elvis makes me laugh out loud!
Have lots of stitchy-fun on Spring break!
I hope Peaches recuperates real soon. She's so adorable. Hope you enjoy your Spring break too!
Enjoy your spring break! Love the WIP pic!
Elvis would look worse here. We have the driest house. I'm laughing just picturing it. Okay, that's weird. Enjoy spring break!
Very good progress. Enjoy your spring break!
Even knowing what to expect, I nearly choked on my granola bar when I saw Elvis! LOLOL!!!
I'm glad Peaches is doing better. She's such a sweetie. I love that pic of her yawning.
I'm excited about Spring Break this year, too. Normally staff at my uni have only Friday off but this year we get Thursday AND Friday! No Cancun for me either, though. I'll be working on getting ready for the Bunny Benefit Bash.
Thanks so much for the gift donation. I'm going to make some Rock Star photo frames to give as awards to a few randomly selected bunnies in the video.
Well. good you fixed the E - it stood out like sore thumb ... NOT!
Good for Peaches .. now Elvis ... Elvis, you look exactly like Savannah would look like if she put on a nice fur coat!
What is Spring? We have not seen him....
Wonderful Elvis-induced chuckles. LOL.
Sorry about all the frogging, but you will be happier about it once you've got it right. Some stuff can be fudged, but some surely can't. Sigh.
Love your idea of spring break. If only I'd stitched when I was studying, I might have actually DONE spring break instead of picking up extra work shifts. LOL!
Your idea of the perfect spring break is the same as mine. Enjoy yourself.
Enjoy your spring break - lots of crafty time is heaven to my ears :) In the meantime, sending healing vibes to Peaches bun so that she heals really fast. You guys are so lucky, antibiotic flavoured with fruit, that's going to stay a dream in the UK - the antibiotic here is bitter as hell, hence the struggle with the buns when they have to take it...
Elvis's hairdo would probably be permanently so if he lived here, with the carpet and all... he's a cutie, and so is Pink :)
Just catching up with you - so sorry to hear that Peaches is under the weather! Feel better Peaches! (Don't worry Elvis, it will grow back!)
I love that -- a geezer spring break! Hope you get some rest during your break!
We're still crossing our fingers and paws for Peaches to get better! They say laughter is the best medicine, so just looking at Elvis and all his static raised hair should make her laugh enough to get well!
Sorry to hear Peaches in under the weather. I did ask Catherine about plans for releasing Morning Has Broken (which is stunning in person by the way). She says she will not be releasing class pieces in the future as just charts or kits. So, if you do get the chance to take this class - jump on it!
The more I look at that picture, are you sure you didn't just Photoshop Elvis?
Yay spring break! Nice yawn Peaches... and Elvis, really, you look like a fierce LION!
Glenna, I never would have noticed that E issue if you had not mentioned it. (I love the colors you are stitching this in, btw.) It is really lovely.
Enjoy your spring break. Stash shopping would be my activity of choice, too.
Enjoy your spring break! You described my perfect vacation. :) Hope Peaches is feeling better today. Elvis is still cute even with his buzzed face. :) I love Alphabetissimo. :) Love the blues you are stitching it with as well. Get some rest. :)
Frogs - grrrrrr. I hope Peach makes a full recovery. Elvis is the cutest thing I have ever seen! Have a looong and relaxing break!
Thanks for the posts, Glenna! I've been enjoying them thoroughly... OMG - Elvis is probably on visual overload, LOL!! V. cute though. I hope Peaches gets better soon! And BTW - Your spring break vision sounds positively HEAVENLY right about now!
Your little rabbits are wonderful.
I had one some years ago, and like Pink, he was fond of kleenex.
Why? we have never discovered it !!!
You have a nice blog, and I like your choice of stitching.
Bye from Lyon (France)
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