And here's a picture of my start:
Does anyone recognize this graphic? I collect these dishes. They're fairly difficult to find, so I have to add one or two at a time to my collection. This weekend I won two full-size plates on ebay. I suspect most of the supply that's out there was lifted from the original restaurants, so there are a fair number of dessert plates and saucers. It's harder to find the dinner plates. I'm not sure how spread out across the country this restaurant was; I know there were quite a few of them in New England. When we visited my grandparents in Vermont, we used to stop by and have our favorite, one of the restaurant's signature dishes. Anyone know what that might have been? Eating out was a huge occasion for us (gulp--in the 60s), since there weren't that many places to eat and most families didn't have the budget for it. It's weird to me that we've become a society--at least locally--that now eats out so frequently that it's more routine than special.
Pink has discovered popsicles. I offered a taste of mine to each of the rabbits, and little Elvis turned up his nose. Pink loves them though, and gets the juice all over his chin whiskers. He takes dainty little bites. Here he is, begging for one.
I know! I know!!!!!! But I'll answer in a separate e-mail so I don't steal anyone else's thunder...I luuurrrved their Pistachio Ice Cream...made with real pistachios. We used to stop at the one in Braintree or out on the Mass Pike when we visited family out there. :-)
Pink is about to hurt himself begging for that tasty treat! He is so silly! I have never seen dishes like that in restaurants. But then again we seldom ate out when i was a child
The graphic looks familiar, but since I only spent summers on the East Coast and my grandparents and parents almost never went out to eat, there isn't a restaurant name that comes immediately to mind.
At the risk of being accused of sedition, I would like to have an at-home vacation sometime. I always have so many projects and no time to do them. Sure, it's great getting out and seeing other places, but then you come home to all those same projects you didn't have time for before.
Pink is so cute!
Uhhh .. Norman Rockwells diners and the favorite was buckwheat pancakes.
Pink will have Popsicle toes!!!
When you have 11 house bunns, ALL vacations are stay-at-homes!
Popsicles -- YUM!
That's a lot of "works" for a vacation! Be sure to try to enjoy yourself somewhere in between!
Oh boy, I love that Waxing Moon chart. I've never seen it before. :D
And Pink ... sigh. He's so darn cute!
Mmmm! I remember!
I can just taste the Peppermint Stick ice cream! I also remember pleas from my father to keep from dripping it all over the car as we travelled to Maine!
Bunnies and popsicles. Who would have figured? lol Good luck on the dishes hunt -- those are really cool., but I'm sorry to say I've never seen them before.
Love your Americana!
I've been in an Americana mood of late myself...I saw this pattern the other day searching for "Americanas" and here you are stitching it! I swear we have similar brain cells ;)
I've fallen in love with Americana so much I'm contemplating making an entire room of my house Americana themed....I every so often come down with changer-roo illness... ;)
Love the Americana chart, well I love all things Americana so I guess that goes without saying!
Cute, cute dishes! I've never seen them before!
I'm pretty sure that I recognize those dishes - must be showing my age! I don't think there are any (or at least not many) of that particular restaurant left! Thanks for the memories!
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