July 13, 2006

Another Start

My apologies--I'm still struggling with aspects of blogging, so I've recrafted this--in case you've read part of this text before. But I've got a new picture to go with it!

When I was in my LNS over the weekend, I spotted this lovely sampler with its accompanying accessory pack, which wound up being part of the specialty fibers (Au ver a Soie, silk ribbon, Kreinik braid, Kreinik Silk mori and beads and pearls), although not all of them. Odd--I'd have packaged it all up had I been the manufacturer or the shop (wherever such things get done). So I purchased four spools of something called Trebizond which is a thick silk fiber with a glorious sheen, and two different balls of DMC Perle Cotton as well as 28 count platinum cashel and a collection of needles.

While I was in the shop, I met a lovely young married couple. The young man appeared to be assisting his wife in choosing projects. I remarked that I thought it was really nice that he'd give input and she told me that he was choosing projects for himself, that she'd taught him to stitch and he'd turned into a better stitcher than she. In fact, he'd won some ribbons for his work at various shows. It tickled me no end--although I have to wonder if he tells his male friends that he does this, or hauls his WIP to work as I do. Why not though? My BF, on the other hand, acts as if the needlework shop gives him a rash, and he rushes out for a restorative beer while I shop (a fair exchange, since it keeps him out of my hair).

In fact, the sampler is for us (we'll get married one of these days, just as the sampler will be finished one of these days; heck, after living together 12 years, I don't figure there's any great rush for either one, although we've talked vaguely about next year...sometime.) Maybe in Scotland. Maybe on Cape Cod, where my parents live, on the beach (I hate shoes and the thought of a barefoot wedding is appealing--or maybe I could have custom-decorated flip-flops). Just not in the backyard of our home, BF implores me, with the garbage cans and the yellow jackets and the stubby rose bushes. Pity. I was going to whip up little tulle skirts for the garbage cans. And I was thinking I'd have the yellow jackets and bumblebees dress me and hold my veil, the way the little bluebirds did for the cartoon version of Snow White (or was it Cinderella?).

The sampler is a surprise for BF, who, I have to admit, would probably prefer to have a flat screen tv. LOL. I don't harbor any notions that he's likely to pick up a needle though, after we're married. But then, I don't intend to pick up a wrench and work on our cars, either.


Lil said...

What a lovely sampler! I would love to see close up pics of your stitching!

thanks for the inspiration!

Cathi said...

That is a lovely sampler. I might have to source that myself! I'm just getting into crazy quilts and samplers at the moment.

I'm living in Ireland now, but grew up in College Park, Maryland...where in NOVA are you?